
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Great Junk Day Find!

 One day several years ago while as I was driving down a street in a small Iowa town, I spotted this old antique farm table sitting beside the curb surrounded by mountains of other items in a huge pile. The owner of the table and other items was busy in his garage nearby gathering up even more items to add to the pile.
  At this time please keep in mind that this old farm table was painted with silver paint and was anything less than attractive. The older generation of farmers used to paint tables, benches, etc. with silver paint to protect them from the elements when they were used out-of-doors. I'm not sure how long or why the owner of table had it, beings he was an attorney, probably never a farmer and lived in the beautiful house near the curbside. However, possibly it had been used in his lavishly beautiful garage that sits next to his beautiful house.

At any rate, I stopped to visit with the attorney to ask him if he was throwing the table away and if so, may I have it. He said I could have it and anything else in the pile that I wanted. My friend who was traveling with me thought the table to also be a pile of junk, but agreed to help me lift it into the pickup truck bed and haul it home.

   Once I got the farm table home after hauling it for 5 hours to the town I live in, I set it set in my garage for sometime trying to decide what I could do with it to repurpose it. Finally, one summer day I decided to slap some leftover paint on it one coat at a time with different colors.  Then, the final coat I brushed on was an exterior white, so it would continue to be protected from the outside elements if I decided to just leave it outside on my patio.

One day I mentioned to my son that I was thinking of shortening the legs to make a coffee type table out of it, but it was just a passing thought at the time. To my surprise when I had returned from a short out-of-town trip........my son had sawn off the legs of the table so he could  use it  as a game table when entertaining his friends! Since this isn't in my son's character to take it upon himself to alter my furniture without permission first,  I was somewhat shocked to find my table reduced to size. I was happy, though, that he did get all four of the legs cut to the same height and it looked really kinda cute and unique.

I had so many compliments on the table that I eventually set it in my livingroom where it resides today.Everyone loves it just the way it is now. Since, I am redoing my livingroom this summer, I'm not sure whether the table will be staying in this spot or if I will move it to the patio with my adirondack chairs, which also need some tender loving paint or whatever.

Incidently,  the friend who helped me lift the junk table into the truck and haul it home, suddently realized after it was repurposed, that maybe it wasn't junk after all....it may look really  great in his livingroom.(lol)

Anyway, the moral of this story is...."One Mans Junk is Another WoMan's Treasure" :)

If you enjoy puppies and dogs you may want to check out my other blog: http://www.debsdogblogg.blogspot.com/

You may also enjoy this fun newborn puppy video from our second litter of German Shepherd puppies born in November 2008. Loved raising puppies, but am out of it now.  Since spring is puppy time, I thought you all may enjoy this cute video....


  1. Fabulous table! I love old and new furniture mixed with finds like that in a room- so cozy. And omg I want one of those puppies! CUTE.

  2. Your son did a good job on resizing the pretty table! Well done.

  3. I LOVE THAT TABLE! And what a cute video!

  4. Great find! Sometimes it's hard to see the beauty in something old. Looks great now!

  5. I would love to find an old oak library table. They are the best! The puppies are adorable!

  6. Perhaps your son has a future as a designer, the table looks so much better with the shorter legs!

  7. Great find! Wonderful to see a beautiful restoration to something that may have otherwise ended up in the trash!

  8. The table looks great! You guys did a wonderful project together. The puppies are cute. You'll have to keep us posted as they grow up.

  9. Thanks for sharing. My neighbor would love it! She has an old farmhouse they are redoing! I love the pinecones!
    Carol from Carol's Jewelry Orchard

  10. Awesome job and way to think outside the box. I love repurposed items. :D

  11. It really looks perfect now! Great job

  12. I actually want to repurpose items too. ive seen what you can do and its really neat!

  13. Great find....Oh I love new born puppies...so cute.

  14. One person's trash is another person's treasure!! Great find!

  15. That's a beautiful table! It looks so rustic! What a great find!

  16. I was looking to find a "peice of junk" for myself. they just dont make tables like that anymore. instead i went to IKEA. oh well, it's large and suits my needs.



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